Is it Okay to be Happy During a Crisis?

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I hope this finds you and your loved ones happy and healthy, and if need be, provides a shift in focus and a light in a time of darkness. There are times, like now, when our entire world seems to be falling apart. We’re unsure of what tomorrow may bring and we’re feeling unstable, exposed and vulnerable. But when the outer world is uncertain, our inner being can still stay intact. Outer circumstances will never be able to define the innermost core of our being. Our light can shine bright in the midst of the darkness. In fact, that’s when it will illuminate the most.

Recently I was told that I was too positive, too energetic and too happy. The implication was that during this time of world crisis I should be unhappy. I should be fearful. And I should not, by any means, be happy. I get it. Most people are in panic mode right now. Apparently, I should be as well, but I believe the reason I’m not is because I’m choosing to stay positive and optimistic and not focus my attention on all the negativity and despair that the media is feeding us. I’m choosing not to buy into the “crisis” mentality that is so prevalent, and to some, that seems wrong.

I’m not, by any means, discounting the impact of this pandemic. I get it. It’s real and it’s horrific. But I believe that there’s still a great deal of good in the world and a lot of positive things happening that no one’s talking about. It’s like the consciousness of our world is at such an all-time low that people aren’t remembering any of the good that abounds. And there’s still a lot of good!

I think the universe is self-correcting right now and that there’s so much to be learned from this time in history. We’re subconsciously being told to slow down and to let go. To realize what’s important and reassess what we’re giving our energy to.

Are you paying attention to life and to what truly matters or are you paying attention to the urgent and unimportant things?

Often, people don’t pay attention until they think they have to. Until a crisis hits. Until they get sick. Until they lose their job. Until their spouse threatens to leave them. Or until all hell breaks loose. Well, right now we’re all being asked to pay attention and to shift our focus onto what truly matters most.

I believe what’s needed most right now is love. Now more than ever before, we need to be the change, the light, and the love. We need to rethink our intimacy and connection mechanisms and pivot accordingly. We need to put more energy into community, compassion, kindness, and love. We need to inspire, delight and empower others even if we have to do it from afar temporarily. We can’t stop connecting at a time in our lives when we need connection the most.

If you’re struggling right now, know that at any moment you can shift your focus and change your mindset. You can choose joy, happiness, vibrancy, and health. You can shift your immune system and make it stronger. You can feel good and be happy in the midst of all this chaos, and it’s okay!

When I have a day without TV, without the news, without the media scaring the shit out of me, I’m in my own little world that is beautiful and serene. I feel calm, happy, and empowered. I feel alive! What we focus on we attract so why not make an effort to see the good in things, to find the beauty in the mess, and see the brighter end of the spectrum? Every thought has a counterpart, just like a stick has two ends. You can focus on the sharp end or the smooth end. The positive aspect or the negative aspect. It’s your choice. You can change your mind, your body, your health, your financial status, your outlook…anything you want, at any moment in time. You are that powerful!

We suffer because we have a malfunction of thinking. We justify how we feel to allow ourselves to feel like shit. We buy into the energetic field of fear when we should be open to the energetic field of love. Love casts out fear. We need to love more every day, especially now. We need to stop judging others and start loving them. We need to love and support our world. We need to love people who are different from us, people we don’t understand, people who scare us or challenge us, and even people who’ve hurt us. And we also need to love ourselves. Sometimes that’s the hardest one.

This is a time to grow, to uplevel our thinking, to shift our mindsets and raise our consciousness.

I want to encourage you to use this “lockdown” to truly slow down. Spend quality time with your family and bond deeply with your loved ones. Work on that project you’ve been putting off for so long. Build the business you’ve been thinking about forever. Simplify and declutter your life. Weed out everything that's been weighing you down both mentally and physically and create space for what matters most. 

I hope you and your family are safe and healthy during this time. I hope all your needs are met and your fears are few. I hope you’ll put your energy into positive and empowering things. I hope you’ll heal old wounds and forgive past hurts. I hope you’ll reach out when you need help, and help those in need.

I wish you love, laughter, connection, and joy…always.

Please feel free to contact me if there’s any way I may be of service to you. Just shoot me an email so we can connect. I’d love to support you however I can.

Much love ~ Tara

LifestyleTara Leigh