10 Unhealthy Habits to Give Up in Order to be Happy


When you give up the things that aren’t serving you well, you make room for things that will add value and joy to your life. If you are searching for a simpler and happier life, give up the following:

#1 Judgment

When you judge others you have no time to love them. You can’t be critical and loving at the same time. By focusing so much on other people’s “flaws” and what you think they are doing wrong, you lose sight of your own purpose and your own life. Judgment breeds negative energy and casts a dark cloud over you.

#2 Lying

Need I say more? Okay, I will but it should be obvious that lying is never a good thing and once you tell a lie it usually spirals out of control and comes back to bite you in the ass at some point. It may seem to be the easier thing to do at the moment, but in the long run, lying will do no good. You know this.

#3 Procrastinating

When you put off what you know needs to get done, it doesn’t solve the problem long-term. Those same things will still be there tomorrow or next week (or next year!) needing your attention until you deal with them. This creates a heavy weight on your shoulders that bogs you down. Don’t put off until tomorrow what you know needs to be done today. Get moving!

#4 Overspending

When your life isn’t in good financial standing it creates unnecessary stress. The initial gratification you get from buying something new quickly wears off when the credit card bill shows up in the mail. What is more important to you, the instant gratification of what’s in your shopping cart, or knowing that you are living within your means? Stop buying things you can’t afford and start enjoying the things you already have. You will gain a sense of freedom by doing this, trust me.

#5 Unhealthy Eating

The better you eat, the better you will feel. I think we all know that. What you put into your body has a direct correlation to how you feel on a daily basis. Less caffeine, less sugar, less dairy, less meat, less alcohol, less processed foods…equals better sleep, more energy, lower blood pressure, greater mental clarity and a healthier you overall. Start with making most of your meal choices in the produce isle and skip the processed and unhealthy foods. Your body (and mind) will thank you!

#6 Being in a Stressful State

Worry and stress do you absolutely no good. Worry doesn’t change anything. Never has, never will. You don’t change a situation by worrying; you change it by taking action. Being in a stressful state puts unnecessary pressure on your body and can cause serious repercussions. When you feel yourself worrying about something, see the situation for what it is without becoming overly emotional. Find positive measures to deal with what is causing you to feel anxious without allowing stress take over your body and mind. Next step: Breathe…

#7 Making Excuses

When you make excuses, you aren’t taking control of your life and you aren’t allowing personal growth to occur. Excuses don’t create change because you aren’t acknowledging the issues at hand. When you push the issues aside and you don’t deal with them, you end up stuck in the same place without ever moving forward and growing. Own up to your actions, stop making excuses, and start making changes. You will feel a whole lot better, I promise.

#8 Drama

Drama, drama, drama – it’s everywhere! You see it on reality TV and you experience it in your own life. No matter where you turn there is drama! You may find yourself being pulled into it without even realizing what’s happening. At times you may be the creator of your own drama, other times you may allow it in from outside sources. No matter how you are drawn into it, find a way to pull yourself out. Drama is a tremendous waste of time and energy and keeps you entangled in a web that will keep you down and suffocate you.

#9 Trying to Control Everything

You can’t be in control of everything, you just can’t. There are some things that are truly out of your control and there is nothing you can do about them no matter how hard you may try. At those times, the only thing you have control over is how you react to the situation at hand. When you focus too hard on controlling everything, you waste energy that could be better spent doing something productive. Learn to let go and you will find yourself in a much healthier place.

#10 Pretending to be Something You’re Not

Stop worrying about what other people think of you, and stop pretending to be something you’re not just so people will like you. Your true friends will like you whether you are up or down, fit or fat, rich or poor…they will like you for who you are on the inside and love you no matter what stage of life you are going through. Learn to love yourself at every stage as well. And if you don’t like something about yourself, don’t try to cover it up – change it!

Wherever you are in life, remember that you have something to be thankful for. Sure, you can find plenty of things to bring you down, but let go of focusing on what’s not working in your life and begin focusing instead on what is working. Your life will change instantly when you lead with gratitude. Every day take stock of all the good surrounding you. Let joy fill your heart and happiness become your way of life. Make every day count by counting your blessings and giving up your unhealthy habits.

LifestyleTara Leigh