Burned Out?


I get it.

You’re working hard. Putting others' needs first. Putting the job first, the kids first, and all the other “shit” first.

You’re not taking good care of yourself as you should. You’re saying yes when you want to say no. You're running 24/7 and can't catch a break. You're angry but don't feel you have the right to be. This is "normal" life, right?

Been there. Done that. (Over and over again!)
No wonder you’re burned out. But you can’t stop. Shit’s got to get done and you’re the one who’s got to do it. Nobody can do what you do, or at least not as well.

So there you sit…stuck, unhappy, and (to be honest) not as productive as you think you are.
You may think you’re operating at 100% because you’re always on the go. But you’re not. You can’t be giving 100%, and the best of yourself, if you’re burned out. You just can't.

And you ARE burned out. It’s ok to admit it. I've had to admit it plenty of times!
If you’re like most high achievers, you’re trapped in this endless cycle of GO, GO, GO, and feeling like you just can’t slow down. But you can. There is a better way. You don’t have to live with constant mental and physical exhaustion and feeling unfulfilled.
You’ve worked hard to get to where you are and it’s time to enjoy your success without feeling guilty. It’s time to stop putting yourself and what matters most on the back burner.
It’s time to get your life back. 
I know how important it is to reclaim your power. How do I know? Because I’ve been there. I know exactly what it’s like to be where you are. I know what it’s like to build the career, the “happy” family, make the $$$ and still feel like shit. I had all the things that should’ve made me happy, but I wasn't. I was unhappy in my marriage, didn't feel like I was doing enough as a parent, didn't feel like I was doing enough in my career. I was constantly worried about something, and certainly wasn't enjoying my success like I thought I would. And it sucked.

If you want to learn the exact steps I took to get from feeling overwhelmed and burned out, to feeling overjoyed and at peace, let’s talk. Life will never be "perfect” and you will never get it all done, but you can learn to enjoy every step of your journey and feel good wherever you're at.

It’s time to get off the hamster wheel and finally feel happy and free. It’s time to get you back on track to living a life you love and truly enjoying your success! *Book a free discovery call to learn more.

I wish you love, laughter connection, and joy in all things.

XO ~ Tara

LifestyleTara Leigh